What Is Digital Innovation? +Examples, Types, Risks

What Is Digital Innovation? +Corporate Benefits & Examples (2024)

Imagine boosting your organization’s financial performance and achieving business goals by 22%. According to a study by Deloitte, this is the potential of digital innovation.

While the potential for such a transformative impact is clear, many leaders grapple with the fear and resistance to change that comes with adopting new technologies.

The corporate graveyard is littered with once-thriving companies that failed to innovate. Blockbuster, Circuit City, and Kodak are prime examples of giants that crumbled due to their reluctance to embrace new technological trends. Their downfalls are powerful reminders that stagnation can be a company’s biggest threat.

Embracing digital innovation isn’t just an option; it’s necessary for modern enterprises wanting to stay competitive. 

In this article, we’ll explore the core principles of digital innovation, benefits and possible risks, and practical strategies for overcoming resistance to change. We’ll also look at real-world examples of companies that have successfully embraced digital innovation, providing insights and lessons that can be applied to various industries.

What Is Digital Innovation?

Digital innovation is the implementation of new digital technologies to solve existing business problems and improve organizational operations. It’s an ongoing process that transforms industries and keeps companies relevant and competitive.

A successful digital strategy includes initiatives such as:

  • Moving from analog, manual tasks to digital, more automated processes.
  • Implementation of new technology and software.
  • Development of a new technology.
  • Automation, connectivity, and data analytics. 
  • Providing cutting-edge customer experiences.
  • Modern pricing and service models.

To truly benefit from digital innovation, organizations must focus on four key elements: people, process, platform, and portfolio. You can drive meaningful change by ensuring you have the right team, streamlined business processes, advanced technology platforms, and a strong portfolio of initiatives. This combination helps create innovative products and services, ultimately delivering high value and giving your business a competitive edge.

Digital Innovation vs. Digital Transformation

While digital innovation and digital transformation are closely related and often used interchangeably, they are distinct concepts that play different roles in a business’s digital journey.

Digital innovation focuses on creating new value through technology. It’s about introducing solutions that redefine markets and set a company apart. 

For example, a company might innovate digitally by developing a new e-commerce platform that uses AI to personalize each customer’s shopping experience or by creating a wearable device that monitors health metrics in real-time. The goal is to leverage digital tools to generate fresh ideas that lead to groundbreaking products, services, or processes.

Digital transformation is the comprehensive process of integrating digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how the business operates and delivers value to customers. It’s a holistic approach that involves adopting new technologies and reshaping organizational structures, cultures, and strategies to fully capitalize on their potential. 

For example, a company undergoing digital transformation might implement a cloud-based ERP system to improve operational efficiency, shift its marketing strategy to focus on digital channels, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and agility across the organization.

In essence, digital innovation is about devising new ways to solve problems and create value, often resulting in novel products or services. Digital transformation is about changing the entire business framework to integrate these innovations and technologies thoroughly. Innovation introduces new ideas; transformation embeds these ideas into the company’s core operations and strategies. Both are crucial but serve different purposes and require different approaches to achieve lasting success.





Scope and Focus

Creating new tech-driven products, services, or process 

Integrating digital technology into every part of the business 


Driving growth and gaining a competitive edge

Improving efficiency, agility, and value delivery


Experimenting with new technologies and ideas

Structured and strategic long-term change and integration
How to Overcome Digital Maturity Challenges for Enterprise Transformation

Types of Digital Innovation

Digital innovation isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept- it encompasses various types that organizations can leverage to drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and improve operational efficiency. 

Here are the different types of digital innovation and how they can be applied:

1. Product innovation

Product innovation involves developing new products or improving existing ones through technology. This could be anything from introducing a new wearable fitness tracker that provides real-time health data, to upgrading a software application with advanced features powered by AI. 

Product digital innovation focuses on leveraging technology to enhance a product’s value, functionality, and customer appeal. Doing so can help companies stay competitive, meet evolving customer needs, and open up new market opportunities.

Examples of product innovation include:

  • Apple launching the iPhone and iPad.
  • Amazon launching its Cloud Services.
  • Four Loko launching a new line of vodka.

2. Process innovation

Process innovation focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. This might involve automating manual tasks, using data analytics to optimize supply chain management, or implementing a cloud-based system to streamline project collaboration. 

Process innovation aims to reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance overall operational performance. Organizations can achieve significant efficiency gains and operational excellence by rethinking and redesigning processes with digital tools.

Examples of process innovation include:

  • Heineken launching its One2Improve application to connect its breweries.
  • Toyota’s Production System (TPS) uses lean manufacturing to enable continuous innovation that reduces waste and improves process efficiency.
  • REG uses a “learn by doing” model to provide hands-on application training to its new employees, reducing time-to-proficiency on key processes and tasks for new hires

3. Business model innovation

Business model innovation redefines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. This could mean adopting a subscription-based model instead of one-time sales, leveraging digital platforms to create new revenue streams, or utilizing data monetization strategies. 

Business model innovation is crucial today, given that traditional models quickly become obsolete. Reimagining the business model empowers companies to unlock new opportunities, enhance customer engagement, and stay ahead of potential industry disruptions.

Examples of business model innovations include:

  • Adobe moving from a desktop application and one-time license cost to a cloud-based application suite and subscription model.
  • Microsoft launching an app store with open-marketplace principles.
  • Airbnb disrupts the hotel industry by modularizing short-term rentals.

4. Customer experience innovation

Customer experience innovation aims to improve how customers interact with a company’s products, services, and brand. This might involve developing user-friendly mobile apps, creating personalized marketing campaigns using AI, or offering seamless omnichannel customer experiences

Enhancing customer experience is critical to building loyalty, increasing satisfaction, and driving long-term growth. Leveraging digital tools to understand better and meet customer needs allows companies to create more meaningful and engaging interactions.

Examples of customer experience innovation include:

5. Organizational innovation

Organizational innovation changes a company’s structure and culture to support digital initiatives. This might include adopting more agile and collaborative working practices, redefining roles and responsibilities to support innovation, or creating dedicated innovation teams. 

Organizational digital innovation aims to create an environment that fosters creativity, agility, and responsiveness to change. It is critical to achieving long-term digital transformation goals and ensuring the company can adapt to evolving technological landscapes.

Examples of organizational innovation include:

  • McDonald’s launched a test kitchen for developing new menu items, promotions, and restaurant innovations and “Hamburger University” at its new corporate headquarters to train and educate its corporate employees, restaurant franchise owners, and managers.
  • Basecamp runs a complete work-from-home company model – 20 years before COVID.

Benefits of Digital Innovation

Digital innovation has become essential for businesses to thrive and achieve long-term growth. 

Here are some of the most impactful benefits of digital innovation that add value to your organization:

1. Provides a competitive advantage

An effective digital solution focuses on three critical aspects: customer/partner engagement, product/service innovation, and internal systems/processes. 

Through digital innovation, organizations can address all three factors to create new revenue streams, diversify their offerings, streamline internal processes, and improve customer experience. Staying ahead of technological trends and continuously innovating enables companies to outpace their competitors and capture larger market shares.

Digital tools help businesses identify market trends and consumer behaviors, allowing them to adapt and innovate faster than their competitors. For example, integrating AI-driven analytics in retail can offer personalized shopping experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Digital innovation allows companies to stay relevant and meet their customers’ evolving demands, maintaining a competitive edge.

2. Improves productivity

Low employee productivity can increase operational costs and cut into overall revenue streams, but organizations that invest in digital innovation can boost productivity in several areas. 

Access to big data and analytics is key to a successful digital innovation strategy, transforming data points into actionable insights. Data analytics can identify bottlenecks in production processes and suggest improvements, leading to more efficient operations.

Automation technologies like AI and machine learning can take over mundane tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic work and reducing the chances of human error. Centralized systems reduce information discovery time, enabling employees to find valuable information quickly, which drives the customer self-service movement. This integration of digital tools not only speeds up processes, but also fosters a more innovative and productive work environment.

3. Increases ROI across business expenses

Digital innovation streamlines internal processes and improves equipment performance, which can lead to huge cost savings and high ROI across business expenses. While business digital innovation might seem expensive in the short term, organizations that invest in new and better ideas will reap those rewards over time. The efficiencies gained through innovation lead to reduced operational costs, better resource management, and improved financial performance.

Implementing predictive maintenance technologies can reduce downtime and extend the lifespan of machinery, resulting in significant cost savings. Optimizing supply chain management through digital tools minimizes waste and reduces operational costs. Investing in employee training for new digital tools enhances overall productivity and efficiency, resulting in higher ROI.

4. Allows organizations to keep pace with evolving customer expectations

Customer expectations are constantly evolving. To provide a personalized experience, organizations need to prioritize digital innovation. Doing so allows for the analysis of customer buying behavior and preferences, which further helps with personalization and delivering individualized experiences to all customer types.

Digital innovation also enables real-time customer service through chatbots and automated support systems, meeting the demand for instant and efficient assistance. By understanding and meeting these evolving customer needs, businesses can foster loyalty, drive repeat business, and increase customer lifetime value.

5. Enhances decision-making with data-driven insights

One significant benefit of digital innovation is leveraging data-driven insights for better decision-making. Advanced analytics and business intelligence tools enable organizations to gather, process, and analyze large volumes of data. This data can reveal patterns, trends, and insights that inform strategic decisions, helping businesses make more informed choices and reduce the risk of costly errors.

Companies can use predictive analytics to forecast market trends and adjust its strategy accordingly. This proactive approach allows businesses to seize new opportunities and mitigate potential risks.

Potential Risks of Digital Innovation

Digital innovation is a powerful driver of growth and transformation, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. 

As businesses strive to stay ahead of the curve, they must also be vigilant about the potential risks associated with these advancements. 

Here are some of the most pressing risks associated with digital innovation and some practical strategies for navigating them effectively.

1. Security vulnerabilities often arise from new technologies

As companies integrate new technologies, they often open up new security vulnerabilities. These can stem from the complexity of interconnected systems, unpatched software, or misconfigurations. With the increasing use of cloud services, IoT devices, and mobile apps, the attack surface for cyber threats expands. 

Cybercriminals constantly evolve their tactics, making it crucial for businesses to stay ahead. A single breach can lead to huge financial losses, operational disruptions, and long-term damage to a company’s reputation. Interconnected systems mean vulnerability in one area can quickly cascade and affect multiple business areas.

Organizations should implement robust security protocols to safeguard against these vulnerabilities. These protocols must include regular software updates, stringent access controls, and data encryption. Frequent security audits help identify and rectify potential weaknesses before they are exploited. Employee training is also crucial, as human error is often a major factor in breaches.

2. Data privacy concerns complicating regulatory compliance

Handling vast amounts of data is a cornerstone of digital innovation, but it comes with significant privacy concerns.

Mishandling personal data can lead to hefty fines, legal issues, and a loss of customer trust. Regulations like GDPR and CCPA require businesses to navigate a complex landscape of data privacy requirements. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties and long-term reputational damage. 

Beyond regulatory compliance, there’s also an ethical responsibility to protect user data from breaches and misuse, which is increasingly scrutinized by the public and the media.

To address these privacy concerns, companies should adopt privacy-by-design principles, integrating data privacy into the core of their technological developments. It is crucial to stay informed about relevant laws and ensure full compliance. Transparent communication with customers about data usage and providing them control over their information also helps build trust.

3. Integration challenges with merging new and legacy systems

Introducing new digital tools can result in integration challenges, especially when dealing with outdated legacy systems. These challenges can lead to operational disruptions, inefficiencies, and increased costs. 

Integrating modern solutions with older systems can also reveal hidden issues, requiring significant customization and potentially causing delays. Depending on the number of systems and technologies involved, these integrations can vary in complexity, complicating project timelines and budgets. 

Poorly executed integrations can also lead to data consistency and performance issues, ultimately impacting overall business operations and customer satisfaction.

To mitigate digital transformation challenges, assess your existing systems to Identify potential issues early on. Investing in integration platforms and middleware facilitates smoother interactions between new and legacy systems. A phased implementation approach allows businesses to address integration issues incrementally, reducing the risk of widespread disruption.

4. Employee resistance to adopting new technologies

Introducing new technology can cause employees to resist change, usually because they fear the unknown or worry about job security. Changes in workflows and the need to learn new tools can make employees uneasy, causing reluctance or outright opposition. This resistance can significantly hinder the successful implementation of digital initiatives.

Employees might also need help adapting to new systems or feel threatened by potential job automation. Resistance to change can take different forms, from passive non-compliance to active obstruction. Either way, it stalls progress and decreases overall productivity.

Involving employees and seeking their input from the beginning can ease their fears and foster a sense of ownership. Comprehensive training programs help employees feel confident and competent with new technologies. Creating a culture that values innovation and clearly communicates its benefits encourages a positive attitude toward change.

5. Financial risks of underestimating costs and returns

Investing in digital innovation is expensive, and there’s always the risk that these investments might fail to deliver the expected returns. Financial risks include underestimating project complexity, facing cost overruns, and encountering unforeseen expenses. 

The fast pace of technological change can quickly render investments obsolete, requiring further spending to stay current. Misaligned investments that don’t support business goals can lead to wasted resources. Economic fluctuations and market changes can also impact the financial viability of digital projects, adding another layer of uncertainty.

Setting clear and measurable objectives ensures that digital innovation projects align with business goals. Detailed budgeting and planning, including contingencies for unexpected costs, help manage financial resources effectively. 

Regularly monitoring project progress and evaluating outcomes allows for timely adjustments to stay on track. Starting with pilot projects or proof-of-concept initiatives can also validate the feasibility and potential ROI before committing to larger-scale implementations.

6. Loss of competitive advantage in fast-paced industries

While digital innovation can provide a competitive edge, competitors can quickly replicate it. 

In fast-paced industries, technological advancements mean innovations can easily be copied, reducing the original innovator’s market advantage. Focusing too much on specific innovations without a broader strategic vision can leave businesses vulnerable to missed opportunities. Maintaining a competitive edge requires continuous effort and the ability to adapt quickly to changes in the market.

Companies should foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation to stay ahead. Protecting intellectual property through patents, trademarks, and copyrights is necessary. Forming strategic partnerships and collaborations can leverage additional expertise and resources, enhancing competitive positioning. Keeping a close eye on industry trends and competitor activities allows businesses to anticipate and respond to changes proactively, staying ahead of the curve.

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8 Companies That Have Embraced Digital Innovation

Any new technology can be considered a digital innovation– from big data, wearable devices, AR/VR, conversational chatbots, mobile apps, and more.

Here are some examples of businesses implementing new emerging technologies to keep their brand relevant and successful:

1. Dominos

Domino’s has embraced digital innovation by revolutionizing how customers place orders. Recognizing the need for convenience and efficiency, Domino’s developed an integrated digital strategy that allows customers to order through various platforms such as Slack, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Alexa. By incorporating emojis and voice recognition technology, Domino’s has made the ordering process easier, more engaging, and more fun for its customers. This multi-channel approach ensures that customers can place orders seamlessly, regardless of their preferred platform.

Domino’s invested heavily in its mobile app and contactless delivery system and successfully transitioned 75% of its customer transactions to digital channels. This move streamlined the ordering process and helped the company avoid the fees associated with third-party delivery services like DoorDash and Uber Eats. By leveraging its proprietary technology, Domino’s has maintained greater control over its delivery operations, enhancing both efficiency and customer satisfaction.

dominos digital innovation

2. Target

Target has embraced digital innovation by creating a unified and seamless shopping experience through its consolidated app, The Target App. By merging multiple apps into one, Target made it easier for customers to engage in online shopping, enroll in loyalty programs, and utilize mobile payment options for both in-store and online purchases. This strategic move not only simplified the shopping process, but also enhanced customer convenience.

Following this digital innovation, customers can now use The Target App for a variety of purposes, from online shopping with options for delivery or pickup to in-store navigation and accessing coupons and loyalty rewards. Target also updated its point-of-sale (POS) systems to ensure that the same back-end technology supports both mobile and in-store transactions. This integration provides a consistent and efficient shopping experience across all channels, reinforcing Target’s commitment to leveraging digital tools to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline operations.

3. Walmart

The Walmart mobile app exemplifies the merging of e-commerce and traditional retail by allowing shoppers to compile their shopping lists and calculate costs in advance. Once customers enter the store, the app guides them to the exact locations of the items on their list, making the shopping process more efficient and convenient. This innovative use of technology saves customers time and enhances their overall shopping experience, reinforcing Walmart’s commitment to customer-centric solutions.

Walmart has also embraced digital innovation on the operational side. The company has started utilizing robots for routine and clerical tasks like identifying out-of-stock inventory. By automating these tasks, Walmart ensures a more organized store environment while allowing human employees to focus on more complex and customer-focused activities.

walmart digital innovation


Swedish retail giant, IKEA, has long been a leader in digital innovation, earning recognition for its online catalogs, home planners, digital product design, and virtual reality showrooms. By leveraging these digital tools, IKEA has made it easier for customers to visualize and plan their purchases, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Virtual reality allows customers to explore showroom layouts from the comfort of their homes, providing a unique and interactive way to engage with IKEA’s extensive product range.

Recognizing an opportunity to enhance its customer service further, IKEA partnered with TaskRabbit, a mobile marketplace that connects freelance labor with local demand. This collaboration allows customers to easily find help for assembling their newly purchased furniture, a task that many find daunting. By integrating TaskRabbit’s services, IKEA has bolstered its digital customer service capabilities, offering a seamless solution for product assembly.

ikea digital innovation

5. Disney

Disney has embraced digital innovation by launching Disney+, a streaming service that has quickly become a cornerstone of its revenue strategy. Recognizing the shift in content consumption habits, Disney developed Disney+ to deliver its iconic library of movies, shows, and original content directly to consumers. This move expanded Disney’s reach and positioned it as a major player in the competitive streaming market, offering a seamless and accessible entertainment experience.

Disney+ has proven to be a significant revenue driver, enabling the company to exceed financial expectations despite the closure of its theme parks. By leveraging its extensive catalog and creating exclusive content for Disney+, the company has attracted millions of subscribers worldwide. This strategic embrace of digital innovation has allowed Disney to diversify its revenue streams, maintain engagement with its audience, and secure a competitive edge.

6. Netflix

Netflix has revolutionized the entertainment industry through its innovative use of digital technology. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, Netflix provides personalized content recommendations to each of its users. This tailored approach ensures that viewers are continually presented with shows and movies that match their preferences. The platform’s ability to analyze viewing habits and predict user interests has set a new standard for content delivery, making Netflix a leader in the streaming industry.

Netflix has also embraced digital innovation in content creation. The company uses data analytics to identify trends and preferences, informing its decisions on which original series and movies to produce. This data-driven approach allows Netflix to invest in content that is more likely to resonate with its audience, resulting in high-quality, popular programming that keeps subscribers engaged. By continually innovating both in how content is recommended and created, Netflix has maintained its position at the forefront of the digital entertainment landscape.

7. Starbucks

Starbucks has significantly enhanced its customer experience through digital innovation. The Starbucks mobile app is a key component of this strategy, offering features like mobile ordering, payment, and rewards tracking. Customers can order ahead of time and pick it up at their convenience, reducing wait times and improving service efficiency. The app also creates a personalized and engaging experience by letting users customize their orders, save their favorite drinks, and earn rewards.

Starbucks has also optimized its operations and connected with customers on a deeper level through digital innovation. The company uses data analytics to understand customer preferences and tailor marketing efforts accordingly. Starbucks gathers valuable insights into purchasing behaviors through the app, enabling targeted promotions and personalized offers. This approach drives customer loyalty, helps Starbucks refine its product offerings, and improves overall business performance.

starbucks digital innovation

8. Uber

Uber has transformed the transportation industry by creating a seamless and efficient ride-hailing and sharing experience. The Uber app connects riders with drivers in real-time, offering features like upfront pricing, estimated arrival times, and cashless payments. This convenience has revolutionized how people travel, providing a reliable and user-friendly alternative to traditional taxi services and other public transportation methods. Uber’s use of GPS and data analytics ensures efficient route planning and quick pickups, enhancing the overall user experience.

Beyond ride-hailing, Uber has expanded to include services like Uber Eats, which delivers food from local restaurants to customers’ doorsteps. By integrating advanced logistics and data analytics, Uber Eats provides timely and accurate deliveries, maintaining high customer satisfaction. Uber is also exploring autonomous vehicle technology and aerial ridesharing, aiming to push the boundaries of digital innovation in transportation. Through continuous technological advancements and an unwavering focus on convenience, Uber has redefined the mobility landscape and set new standards for the industry.

uber digital innovation

9. Nike

The Nike app and the Nike Training Club app offer personalized shopping experiences, fitness tracking, and workout guidance. Customers can browse and purchase products, receive customized recommendations, and access exclusive content— all from their mobile devices.

Nike has also incorporated augmented reality (AR) into its retail strategy. AR features allow customers to virtually try on shoes and see how different styles and colors look on their feet without having to visit a store. This technology not only enhances the shopping experience, but also drives online sales by reducing uncertainty and increasing customer confidence in their purchases. 

Nike’s commitment to digital innovation extends to its supply chain as well. It has implemented advanced data analytics to optimize inventory management and improve product delivery. By leveraging digital tools across multiple facets of its business, Nike continues to lead the way in modern retail and customer engagement.

Tips for Embracing Digital Innovation in Your Organization

Gartner predicts that by 2025, all the industries will transform digitally. Organizations must embrace digital innovation to remain competitive and relevant.

Here are six tips to help you create an effective digital innovation strategy:

1. Create a digital innovation team

Create a small, focused team of high-performing individuals from different departments who are committed to delivering value to your organization. This team should identify the shortcomings of your existing business processes and try to solve them through effective digital innovation solutions.

2. Adopt an agile experimentation model

As technology evolves, incorporating agility into your strategy is crucial. In an agile experimentation model, organizations are able to adapt to new customer needs and are challenged to change their problem-solving approach periodically.

3. Invest in new software & technology

Organizations need to invest in new software and digital technology to enhance their operational efficiency and stay ahead in the digital landscape. The right technology will allow you to integrate your business requirements, including team management, collaboration, cloud access, and product lifecycle monitoring, as fundamental business concepts.

4. Create an ROI or value-added system for prioritizing projects

Based on the criticality, size, and revenue generated from the project, you need to create a value-added system for higher digital innovation ROI. This allows organizations to prioritize the projects that will make the biggest impact both in the short-term and long-term.

5. Create a digital adoption strategy for new processes and tools

Create a well-designed, specific digital adoption strategy to make the most of your technological investments. A digital adoption platform (DAP) like Whatfix can be your partner in change to train and onboard your employees. These solutions allow organizations to manage change efficiently without losing productivity in the transition phase. This is done by empowering employees and users to learn in the flow of work by providing contextual, in-app guidance through new digital processes and technologies.

A DAP empowers organizations to create in-app experiences that drive adoption with features like:

  • Product tours
  • Step-by-step flows
  • Interactive walkthroughs
  • Task lists
  • Smart tips
  • Embedded self-help knowledge bases

Whatfix also captures user behavior and event data, allowing companies to better understand how internal employees, external end-users, and customers are using their new digital applications and processes. This allows them to make data-driven decisions to create better experiences with better onboarding, training, and support.

6. Ask for feedback from various departments in your business

It’s important to involve employees every step of the way during your digital innovation endeavors. Ask for and act on employee feedback since they’ll be the ones leading your digital innovation efforts. The earlier they are on board with the changes, the more successful your digital initiative will be.

Software Clicks Better With Whatfix

Embracing digital innovation means more than just implementing new tools; it involves transforming how your organization operates, engages with customers, and drives growth. 

The fast-paced business environment demands digital innovation to stay ahead of the competition. Implementing new technologies and creative solutions can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive significant business growth. However, the success of these innovations hinges on the effective adoption and utilization of these new tools by your team.

With Whatfix, you can empower your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to fully embrace digital innovation. Whatfix provides intuitive, in-app guidance that ensures your team can confidently navigate new software and processes, accelerating your digital transformation efforts. With Whatfix, you can:

  • Deliver personalized, in-app training and onboarding experiences that cater to individual learning styles.
  • Guide users through complex tasks and workflows with step-by-step instructions and smart tips.
  • Offer real-time support and troubleshooting with an always-available self-help system.
  • Gain insights into user behavior and software adoption rates with robust analytics.
  • Collect valuable user feedback to continually improve the digital experience.

Are you ready to lead your organization into the future of digital innovation? Schedule a demo with Whatfix today and see how our platform can transform your business.

Start your digital innovation journey with Whatfix today.

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What Is Whatfix?
Whatfix is a digital adoption platform that provides organizations with a no-code editor to create in-app guidance on any application that looks 100% native. With Whatfix, create interactive walkthroughs, product tours, task lists, smart tips, field validation, self-help wikis, hotspots, and more. Understand how users are engaging with your applications with advanced product analytics.
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DAPs enable technology users with contextual in-app guidance and real-time support to guide them through business processes and to learn in the flow of work.