All training involves disseminating knowledge. For many years, employee training in workplaces has been conducted in a classroom setting, led by an instructor. Today, however, learning and development teams have discovered new ways to deliver employee training that are more befitting to the needs of individual employees.
There are about as many training delivery methods as there are different topics employees need to be trained on. For this reason, finding the training approach that best fits your company’s and employees’ needs can be challenging.
What Is a Training Delivery Method?
Training delivery methods, sometimes referred to as “learning modalities,” are different ways information is delivered to learners. The most appropriate learning method for organizations depends upon various factors such as training objectives, location of employees, budget, etc.
14 Training Delivery Methods For Effective Employee Training
Here are the most popular training delivery methods for effective employee training.
1. Instructor-led training (ILT)
Instructor-led, classroom-based training is the most traditional delivery method. This method is effective for training more extensive employee groups.
Employees listen to lectures by instructors who typically utilize PowerPoints or blackboard presentations. To promote learning retention, courses can be divided into shorter segments or abbreviated with short activities. An internal expert can execute this method, or L&D teams may hire an expert better suited for training.
Instructor-led training still holds importance because certain topics, such as advanced or technical skills, make more sense to teach in person. Instructor-led training encourages team members to build relationships with one another and improve the employee experience by providing more opportunities for collaboration.
2. Virtual classroom learning
A simple twist on traditional instructor-led learning is virtual classroom learning. This can be delivered in various forms, including video lectures, discussions, and text documents. Virtual classroom learning can happen synchronously, where all learners receive their lessons simultaneously, or asynchronously, where learners take classes at their own pace.
One significant advantage of the virtual classroom learning method over traditional instructor-led learning is that it can be delivered and attended from anywhere and learners can still directly interact with the instructor.
3. On-the-job training
Another training delivery method is on-the-job training, where a manager or another experienced team member provides real-time instruction on a specific topic.
This method is cost-effective as it can be handled in-house and provides opportunities for building future mentoring relationships between employees. This method also adheres to the 70-20-10 model which indicates most employee learning happens through job experiences. One drawback of on-the-job training is that it solely depends on the instructor’s ability to deliver consistent, high-quality training.
4. Blended learning
While L&D efforts have typically been delivered synchronously or all at once, the advent of blended learning has made it possible to blend synchronous and asynchronous learning.
Blended learning combines the best of two training environments – traditional face-to-face learning and eLearning – to meet the evolving needs of new-age learners. Blended learning software takes learning outside the walls of the classroom, making it possible to access resources both online and offline.
This helps engage all types of learners – both those who learn better in a traditional classroom environment as well as those who work best with semi-autonomous, computer-based training. While classroom learning offers an opportunity for immediate face-to-face interaction, online learning offers self-paced personalized learning with interactive media such as games, videos, tutorials, quizzes, etc. all accessible from the learner’s home page in a learning management system (LMS).
5. Spaced learning
Spaced learning is based on the concept that learning is enhanced when knowledge is repeated after certain intervals.
Spaced learning breaks down long employee training programs into several sessions or modules of shorter durations, with spaced intervals in between. Parts of these sessions are reintroduced multiple times over the course of the next few days or weeks for learners to recall information, driving long-term knowledge retention.
Spaced learning helps employees avoid information overload and improves their overall learning experience.
6. eLearning courses
eLearning is an effective and flexible training delivery method. With an adaptive learning platform, learning can be customized for individual needs and works best when learners don’t need immediate feedback or live collaboration to be successful. eLearning includes learning resources like PowerPoint, virtual reality lessons, microlearning, gamification, and instructional storytelling.
This remote training method is cost-efficient because lessons can be reused as long as they contain the most accurate information, however, it is not as effective for activities such as team building.
7. Microlearning
Microlearning involves dicing course information up into shorter sections or topics that can be easily delivered and completed asynchronously. Smaller learning sessions offer the right amount of information necessary for learners to achieve a specific training objective, making microlearning valuable in business contexts.
Microlearning is effective because learners apply the skills they’ve acquired before they lose attention, thus improving knowledge retention. This is also referred to as real-time learning.
Microlearning lessons work well when incorporated into a digital adoption platform (DAP), which dividing the course content into small chunks and integrates it into any software employees use while they’re working.
8. Gamification
Gamification is another variation of eLearning that has gained popularity in recent years. This training delivery method disseminates knowledge in the form of game-like lessons that reward learners for knowledge retention. This type of learning can also be delivered through virtual reality, augmented reality, or even a DAP.
9. Collaborative training
Collaborative training is a methodology where employees share their knowledge and expertise, teaching and learning from one another at the same time. This technique helps enhance the overall training experience for employees by capitalizing on their skills, ideas, and knowledge.
Employees gain a better understanding as a group than they do as individuals by listening to other viewpoints, reframing ideas, and articulating their points. This makes collaborative training an effective technique for workplace training.
10. Real-time learning
Real-time training enables employees to learn while working. This training delivery method often requires some in-person guidance to teach employees how to complete tasks in real-time. For tasks that need to be completed on the computer, real-time learning content can also be delivered virtually via a Digital Adoption Platfom that integrates with any software or application.
11. Video training and webinars
Video training engages employees and delivers sophisticated learning experiences at a lower cost than traditional training. Creating training videos enables employees to digest information in an easy-to-understand format that is easier to retain and that employees can go back and watch at any time.
Similarly, webinars are interactive and engaging and keep viewers’ attention longer than a traditional PowerPoint presentation.
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12. Virtual reality or simulation training
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) training has become increasingly used in a corporate setting. VR provides an artificial, immersive environment where employees can experience simulation training that teach them the skills they need to do their jobs.
This training delivery method is effective for teaching complex and technical skills. While the setup can be initially expensive, it can be a good investment because VR lessons are both customizable and repeatable.
13. Mentorship
This training delivery method relies on building relationships that serve the purpose of L&D initiatives throughout an employee’s journey with a company. Mentors are experienced advisors who are invested in the success of the employee.
Mentorship training can be used to provide continuous, informal training, but this approach absolutely necessitates a good working relationship. Otherwise, employees run into risks of over-dependence and micromanagement, or even creating a burden for the mentor.
14. Coaching
Somewhat similar to mentorship, coaching involves hiring a trained professional to serve in a mentor-like role for a period of time. This method can increase learning efficiency, but, doesn’t have the same benefits of relationship building.
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Tips To Choose Your Ideal Training Delivery Method
As you can see, there are myriad training delivery method options, and many of them can be utilized simultaneously. This choice can be difficult, but it can be made easier by following a few guidelines:
1. Cater delivery methods to the aim of training
Choose your appropriate training delivery method based on the aim of training. You may select a different method if you are focused on learning intricate and vital hard skills versus new approaches to communication.
2. Keep your audience in mind
Another important thing to consider when choosing a training delivery method is your audience. Who is being trained and what are their needs? Can information be delivered in bite-sized pieces? How difficult would it be to get everyone in a room together?
3. Consider the timeline
The urgency of training objectives plays a significant role in deciding your appropriate training delivery method. Consider how quickly employees need to learn this information. Does this knowledge need to be implemented tomorrow, or can it be disseminated over time? Different training delivery methods will be suited for these differing needs.
Learning Clicks Better With Whatfix
For many of the training delivery methods mentioned in this article, learning outcomes can be strengthened by implementing a digital adoption platform such as Whatfix. DAPs lie on top of your existing software or application to deliver interactive walkthroughs, store learning resources, and provide self-help support 24*7.
With Whatfix, you also bring your documentation, knowledge base, intranet, and external links all into your employee’s applications – allowing them to find the right support and training material, without leaving the application they’re using.
Intrigued to learn more about Whatfix? Schedule a free demo with us today!